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    River Financial の Bitcoin Glossary をベースに、日本語のビットコイン用語集を構築中です。用語集作りに参加して、ビットコインを稼ぎませんか?


    提案手順はこちらの「2. 用語集の用語説明の提案手順」をご参照ください。



    索引           英数字


    2,100 sats
    The difficulty is a measure of how hard it is to mine a block. In order to mine a block, miners must provide Proof-of-Work in the form of a valid hash of the block they intend to publish. A hash is essentially a large number, and for a hash to be valid, it must be smaller than a defined target number. This target number determines the difficulty of mining and is set by Bitcoin’s ruleset. This difficulty is dynamic: it updates every 2016 blocks—roughly 2 weeks—to ensure Bitcoin blocks come in roughly every 10 minutes. If more miners join the network and mine blocks at a faster rate, difficulty will rise. If miners stop mining, and blocks arrive slower than every 10 minutes, difficulty will fall. The difficulty therefore directly follows the trend in hash rate of the network. In a technical sense, the Bitcoin network sets the target rather than the difficulty. All valid Proofs-of-Work must be below this target. The difficulty then, is simply the inverse of the target. If the target is raised, this makes it easier for miners to find a hash below the target, so the difficulty has been lowered. Likewise, if the target is lowered, the difficulty has been raised. The target is encoded as a part of each block header and is called the ‘bits’ of a block. This allows nodes to directly verify whether the Proof-of-Work provided for a block is lower than the target.
    Double Spend
    2,100 sats
    A double spend occurs when someone is able to spend the same money twice, fooling one or more parties into believing they have been paid. Digital objects like files and text are easy to duplicate. However, duplication is not a desirable trait in money. This is the double spend problem: how can a receiver of digital money be sure that the money they were sent was not simultaneously sent to someone else? How can all members of a monetary network be sure others are not duplicating their money at will? Bitcoin solves the double spend problem by using a decentralized ledger which all users can access. When one user sends bitcoin to another, they destroy the coin they own and create a new coin owned by the receiver. The destruction of the sender’s coin is recorded for all to see, so that they can never send it to someone else.
    2,100 sats
    ニモニックフレーズはシードフレーズやリカバリーフレーズとも呼ばれる、ウォレットのバックアップに使用する 12 または 24 の単語のリストで、HDウォレット(階層型決定性ウォレット)の全ての秘密鍵を生成できるシードを表します。
    ニモニックフレーズは、BIP 39 によって導入され、多くのウォレットが実装しているビットコインの標準規格です。ほとんどのウォレットでは、ニモニックフレーズの最後に、ユーザーが独自のパスフレーズを追加してセキュリティをさらに高めることができます。
    ニモニックの単語は、定義された 2048 単語の中から選択されます。12 または 24 の単語を組み合わせて作成した有効なニモニックフレーズがあれば、シードから生成された全ての秘密鍵を復元できます。2048 単語から特定のニモニックフレーズを見つけられる確率は、2048^24 分の1(= 2.96 x 10^79 分の1)と極めて小さいです。
    2,100 sats
    Neutrino is a proposed light client protocol which offers privacy and efficiency improvements over existing light client designs, notably Simplified Payment Verification (SPV).

    A typical light client requests data about transactions and blocks in which it is interested from either a central server or other nodes in the Bitcoin network. Often, when a light client requests such information, they leak their addresses and transactions to the server, sacrificing privacy. Several schemes have been proposed and implemented by different wallets. So far, none have emerged as a standard.

    In order to preserve a light client’s privacy, the Neutrino protocol has the server send all transaction outputs in a block to the light client, leaving the light client to decide whether there are any transactions of interest. If there are such transactions, the light client requests the full block to be sent, in order to trustlessly verify that the transaction of interest was included in the block. This scheme preserves privacy better but requires significantly more bandwidth and compute power than the existing SPV scheme.

    2,100 sats
    2,100 sats

    コンテンツの著作権は River Financial に帰属します。二次利用の可否は権利者にご確認ください。 / All rights reserved to River Financial.