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    索引           英数字


    Lightning Invoice
    2,100 sats
    Lightning Implementations
    2,100 sats
    最も一般的なライトニング実装は、LND、c-lightning、Electrum Lightning、Eclairなどです。
    各実装は微妙に異なる機能や設計を提供していますが、すべての実装はBasis of Lightning Technology (BOLT) 仕様で定義された規格に準拠しています。
    Lightning Channel
    2,100 sats
    A Lightning channel is a connection between two parties, and the Lightning Network is composed of thousands of channels. Lightning transactions are sent back and forth over channels and are used to recalibrate the bitcoin balances of each party in this channel. All bitcoin in a channel belongs to one of the two parties. Lightning channels are called bidirectional payment channels because both parties can send and receive bitcoin across the channel. In order to open a Lightning channel, two parties, say Alice and Bob, cooperatively construct a 2-of-2 multisig address. Any bitcoin sent to this address requires two signatures, one from each party, in order to be spent. Imagine Alice and Bob open a channel and deposit 1 BTC each. If Alice now wishes to pay Bob 0.5 BTC, she signs a transaction spending from the multisig address. This transaction has two outputs: Bob will receive 1.5 BTC and Alice will receive 0.5 BTC. Since spending from the multisig address requires two signatures, this is not yet a valid transaction, and Alice cannot broadcast it to the Bitcoin network. Instead, she sends the partially-signed transaction, called a commitment transaction, to Bob, who keeps it but does not broadcast it. Alice has paid Bob 0.5 BTC, but Bob has not settled this payment to the Bitcoin blockchain. This is why Lightning transactions are so cheap: they do not require miners to confirm each transaction in a block. A Lightning channel can be closed at any point by publishing the latest unbroadcast commitment transaction. This transaction will send the bitcoin from multisig address to each party in the correct amount, representing the net flow of bitcoin across all of the Lightning transactions that occured on this channel.
    Lightning Network
    2,100 sats
    ライトニング・ネットワーク(Lightning Network 略称LN)はビットコインを即時かつ安価に送金できるように設計されたプロトコルです。ライトニング・ネットワークはまだ実験的な段階にありますが、ビットコインのトランザクション処理能力を増強することが期待できます。このプロトコルは双方向のペイメントチャネルを中心に構築されており、2者間の相互送金を可能にします。また、ペイメントチャネルで直接接続されていない2者間でも、複数チャネルを中継することで相互に送金できます。
    Lightning Network Penalty
    2,100 sats
    The Lightning Network Penalty is a mechanism for discouraging attempts to double spend bitcoin using the Lightning Network (LN). Currently the LN Penalty confiscates the entire balance of a Lightning channel from an actor who attempts to publish an invalid state in order to steal funds.

    The Lightning Network uses fully signed Bitcoin transactions to transfer bitcoin between parties. These transactions are not normally broadcast and added to the Bitcoin blockchain. However, since they are valid transactions, any of them can be broadcast to the blockchain at any time. This would close the Lightning channel and invalidate any Lightning transactions that occurred after that time.

    This mechanism can be exploited to allow double spends over Lightning. For example, Alice and Bob have an open Lightning channel, in which they each control 0.25 BTC. Both parties currently hold a commitment transaction which allots each of them 0.25 BTC. Alice then sends Bob 0.05 BTC over Lightning, leaving her with 0.2 BTC while Bob has 0.3 BTC. A new commitment transaction reflects this new balance. However, Alice can now take the old commitment transaction and publish it to the blockchain. Each party would receive 0.25 BTC, which would effectively reverse the 0.05 BTC transaction Alice sent to Bob.

    In order to prevent this, the Lightning protocol enables Bob to publish the newer commitment transaction within a certain time period and take not just the 0.05 BTC he is owed, but the full 0.5 BTC from the channel. Bob would take Alice’s entire stake in the channel as a punishment for Alice’s attempted double spend.

    2,100 sats
    Bitcoin’s blockchain offers final settlement for bitcoin at the cost of relatively low throughput. The Bitcoin network averages between 4-7 transactions per second. This is obviously insufficient for hosting all of the world’s financial transactions, as Bitcoin intends to do. While larger settlements can still be settled to the blockchain to achieve maximal security, smaller transactions in need of lower security can be executed “off-chain” by another service or protocol, called a layer. Layered solutions can trade lower security for higher throughput and cheaper fees. Bitcoin developers prefer that innovation and scaling takes place on layers on top of Bitcoin in order to separate the security risks that come with software innovation from affecting Bitcoin’s blockchain. These layers have analog examples in the legacy financial system: credit cards, Venmo, and PayPal are all layered on top of a core banking system of wire transfers and the ACH system. Before the gold standard was abandoned, physical cash was a layer on top of the base money of gold.

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