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    索引           英数字


    2,100 sats
    2,100 sats
    2,100 sats
    1ビットコインは1億サトシに相当します(1 BTC=100,000,000 sats)。ビットコインの供給上限が2100万なので、この世には未来永劫2.1兆サトシしか存在しないことになります。
    Satoshi Nakamoto
    2,100 sats
    Satoshi Nakamoto is the anonymous creator(s) of Bitcoin who published the whitepaper on October 31, 2008 and mined the first Bitcoin block on January 3, 2009. Satoshi mined over 1 million BTC and developed the project in its early years before withdrawing and ultimately disappearing. Ever since, Satoshi has not moved any of this bitcoin.
    Satoshi’s disappearance left Bitcoin without a central leader who could dictate the direction of the project, a source of strength in the eyes of most Bitcoiners.
    The atomic unit of Bitcoin is the satoshi, in honor of Bitcoin’s founder.
    Genesis Block
    2,100 sats
    The Genesis block is the first block in the Bitcoin blockchain. Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of Bitcoin, mined the Genesis block on January 3, 2009 and included that day’s Financial Times headline, “Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks” in the block as a statement of Bitcoin’s purpose: avoiding the inequity and corruption inherent in the fiat monetary system. The Genesis block is special in a few ways. Firstly, its previous hash, the part of the block which references the previous block, is empty. This is because there is no previous block to be referenced. Secondly, the first 50 BTC, created in the coinbase transaction of the Genesis block, is unspendable.
    Time Preference
    2,100 sats
    Time preference refers to an individual’s preference to own an asset at an earlier date as opposed to a later one. Higher time preference indicates that time-to-ownership is more important. Time preferences for consumption leads consumers to borrow money to purchase goods before they earn enough money to pay for them upfront. For example, when people buy houses with mortgages they are borrowing because they want to start living in the house right away. Financially, it is almost always superior to have ownership of goods or assets as soon as possible. However, this may not be the case for assets that are difficult or expensive to store. Time preferences are highly related to the interest rates lenders charge borrowers. Time preferences affect the way investors weigh monetary payoffs. Cash flows in the far future are discounted more heavily than cash flows which will occur sooner.
    2,100 sats
    シードは階層型決定性(Hierarchical Deterministic,略してHD)ウォレットを生成するために使用するデータです。これさえあれば、ウォレットの秘密鍵と公開鍵の再生成が可能なため、バックアップとして有効です。HDウォレットにおいてシードは決定論的であるため、所与のシードからは毎回全く同じ鍵が生成されます。また1つのシードから生成可能な公開鍵と秘密鍵のペアはほぼ無限です。
    シードは単なるエントロピーであり、ランダムな数字の羅列でしかありません。シードはマスター秘密鍵と呼ばれる1つの拡張秘密鍵(extended private key/xprv)を生成するために使用され、拡張秘密鍵からは子秘密鍵だけでなく子公開鍵も生成できます。ウォレット利用者は拡張秘密鍵から必要に応じて無限に鍵ペアを生成することができるため、アドレスの再利用を回避してプライバシーを守れるだけでなく、ウォレットのバックアップも簡単にできます。
    Sybil Attack
    2,100 sats
    A sybil attack targets a network of peer-to-peer nodes by flooding the network with nodes which are all controlled by the same entity. These malicious nodes attempt to form a dominant majority of the network and convince honest nodes of dishonest facts. For example, a vendor on eBay may flood their competition with negative reviews to trick customers. Bitcoin is not a majority-rule system. Instead, Bitcoin is run by Nakamoto consensus, wherein every node runs exactly the code and ruleset they wish to run. Those who run the code form a network, while those who do not are excluded. Critically, the method for determining the valid state of the blockchain is objective, and does not rely on the opinions of other nodes. Thus, a sybil attack on Bitcoin is far more difficult to execute because controlling a simple or even supermajority of nodes will not allow an attacker to alter the ruleset used by honest nodes.
    Schnorr Signature
    2,100 sats
    Schnorr is a type of digital signature scheme similar to the ECDSA scheme used by Bitcoin since its inception. The Schnorr scheme presents several advantages over ECDSA, and is thus currently in the process of being implemented in Bitcoin via the Taproot upgrade.
    Firstly, the Schnorr scheme is provably secure and non-malleable, two improvements over ECDSA. Secondly, compared to ECDSA signatures, Schnorr signatures take less time to verify. Schnorr signatures and public keys can be aggregated, meaning that multiple parties with unique private keys can sign the same message with much greater efficiency. Thanks to this feature, Schnorr signatures can be verified in batches instead of individually, further speeding up verification.
    Key and signature aggregation also enable privacy gains by obscuring the number of signatures present on a transaction. Finally, Schnorr signatures are also smaller than ECDSA signatures, offering savings on fees for those spending Schnorr outputs.
    When Bitcoin was invented, the Schnorr scheme was still patent-protected, and thus Satoshi Nakamoto decided to use ECDSA as the signature scheme for Bitcoin. The Schnorr patent has since expired, and Schnorr is currently in the process of being implemented in Bitcoin.
    Capital Controls
    2,100 sats
    Capital controls are any regulations that restrict the way residents can move money in or out of a country. This could be a tax or tariff on foreign transactions, or an outright limit on how much money can be moved in a certain direction. These policies are normally implemented by a government of a central bank. The most common application is propping up a failing currency by restricting capital outflows.

    Capital controls are most common in developing or unstable economies with unsound money. The regulations help maintain a steady balance of imports and exports and also prevent runs on domestic banks. However, capital controls can be detrimental to residents who have restrictions on their financial transactions. Assets such as Bitcoin, which are subject to less government regulation, are commonly used to bypass capital controls.

    2,100 sats
    ウォレットで生成され、ビットコインネットワークにブロードキャストされたトランザクションは、即時決済されるわけではなく、まず未承認または保留中トランザクションとして mempoolに入ります。マイナーはブロック生成時、収益性が高い、つまり、単位データあたりの送金手数料が高いトランザクションからブロックに取り込みます。トランザクションがブロックに取り込まれると、mempool から削除されて承認済みと見なされます。
    2,100 sats
    A digital signature is similar to a physical signature in theory, yet far more secure and trustworthy. Like its physical counterpart, a digital signature indicates approval of the data being signed. Unlike a physical signature, a digital signature cannot be copy-pasted because a signature is unique for each piece of data being signed.

    For example, if you create a signature for the text “Hello”, this signature is invalid for the text “Hey”. This trait allows digital signatures to be publicized without risk of fraud.

    There are three parts to a digital signature: the data being signed, the public key of the signer, and the signature itself. The data can be anything digital, including text, an image, an audio file, and more. The public key is a pseudonymous form of identity, informing the public that the owner of the corresponding private key has signed this message. Lastly the signature is mathematical proof that the owner of the public key and the corresponding private key signed the exact data provided.

    The magic here is that the private key is required to create the signature, but not required to verify it. Anyone can verify that the signature is valid using only the public key. Furthermore, since the signature is generated using the hash of the data it is signing, verifiers can be sure that the data provided is unaltered since it was signed.

    2,100 sats
    A stablecoin is a cryptocurrency intended and designed to be stable in price. This property is achieved by pegging its value to a fiat currency, cryptocurrency, or less commonly, to a commodity. This peg and the issuance of the stablecoin are managed by a centralized party, typically a company, which also maintains the stablecoin. Their business model is to lend and invest with part of the assets that are backing the stablecoin. Stablecoins are typically issued as an asset on top of a blockchain that has its own native asset. This gives stablecoins the benefits of speed and global access of a blockchain, and the programmability of cryptocurrency, all while maintaining a relatively stable value and being less subject to regulation than fiat currencies. With that said, it is important to note that the centralized party that maintains the stablecoin has full control over all the assets. The most popular stablecoins today are Tether (USDT), USD Coin (USDC) and Binance USD (BUSD). They are frequently used by traders to rapidly move in and out of cryptocurrencies and to move their wealth between exchanges to take advantage of arbitrage opportunities. Stablecoins are also gaining in popularity as a store of value in countries with high inflation, where people may struggle to obtain physical dollars and cannot hold them through their banking services.
    Stock-to-Flow (S2F)
    2,100 sats
    Stock-to-flow (S2F) is a measure of the new supply of an asset that is being created over time, relative to the existing supply. This ratio can be expressed in several ways, including the percentage of the supply being added annually, or the number of years the supply would take to double at the current rate of production. Stock-to-flow is a commonly cited metric in Bitcoin markets. Bitcoin’s stock-to-flow will continue decreasing indefinitely as the supply increases, and the Bitcoin halving lowers the rate of production in a stepwise fashion every four years. Currently, Bitcoin has a similar stock-to-flow ratio to gold. However, Bitcoin’s ratio will decline continuously in the coming years, whereas gold’s will not. Bitcoin’s stock-to-flow ratio is also much more predictable and precisely auditable at any point in time.
    Smart Contract
    2,100 sats
    A smart contract is a digitally created and enforced contract. As with regular contracts, these contracts can become as complex as the language in which they are written allows. Bitcoin’s contract language, called Script, is intentionally limited, giving Bitcoin security and simplicity. However, other layers or applications built on top of Bitcoin make use of more complex smart contracts. Smart contracts can be used to design loans, timelocked transactions, and even derivative products.
    Brute Force Attack
    2,100 sats
    A brute force attack is a method of attempting to crack a password or decrypt data simply by guessing every possible password or decryption key. Brute force is highly inefficient, so a brute force attack is usually used as a last resort against a system which is impervious to other, more efficient attack methods.

    Most systems that require passwords ask users to include uppercase letters, numbers, and special characters in order to decrease the efficacy of brute force attacks. This works because the greater the number of possible passwords, the harder it is to brute force.

    The difficulty of a brute force can be calculated simply by taking the number of valid values—usually just one—and dividing it by the number of possible values. For example, a Bitcoin private key is usually 256 bits long. In order to brute force a specific Bitcoin private key, an attacker would have to guess each of the 256 bits correctly, and since each bit has two possible values (1 or 0), the attacker must guess from a range of 2^256 (roughly 10^77) possible values. Comparatively, a credit card number of 16 digits plus a 3 digit security code has a range of 10^19 possibilities. Brute forcing a social security number is even easier, since it is only 9 digits long. This is what makes Bitcoin vastly more secure than traditional financial systems.

    In the context of cryptography, a problem or calculation is considered “hard” if the best possible method of solving it is a brute force attack. This is because a brute force attack is usually only used when no algorithm or other method can solve the problem.

    Transaction Fee
    2,100 sats
    マイナーは各ブロックに最大 4MB※ のデータしか格納できないため、送金手数料の合計ではなく、手数料とバイトの比率(sats/vByte、satoshi建て手数料/仮想バイト)に基づいてトランザクションを評価します。したがって、ほとんどのウォレットでは送金手数料をsats/vByteで表示されます。
    将来的にはビットコインネットワーク上での取引需要が高まるにつれて送金手数料が上昇すると予想されています。手数料を節約する方法としては、UTXOの統合、複数トランザクションの一括処理、SegWit など最新トランザクションタイプの使用などがあります。
    ※原則 1MB とされているものの、SegWit 導入により最大 4MB まで格納可能となっています。
    Soft Fork
    2,100 sats
    A soft fork is a fork, or a change to a project’s source code, which is backwards compatible, meaning that it is not imperative that all nodes adopt the upgrade. Soft forks preserve consensus and flexibility in a distributed system because they allow some nodes to adopt upgrades and make use of new innovations while other nodes who do not wish to upgrade are not forced out of the network or put at risk. For example, LED light bulbs offer an improvement on traditional filament light bulbs. However, LED light bulbs can be screwed into the exact same sockets as traditional bulbs. Upgrading a home to LED bulbs therefore does not render traditional bulbs useless. This characteristic makes LED lightbulbs a soft fork. Due to the benefits of soft forks, Bitcoin development relies heavily on soft forks and avoids hard forks, which demand that all nodes upgrade, at all costs. One principle of Bitcoin development is that no member should be forced out of consensus simply because they do not upgrade their node. While most Bitcoin nodes currently run the latest version, a node running the very first version of Bitcoin is still compatible and would be accepted by the network.

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