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    2,100 sats
    2,100 sats
    Fungibility is a property of goods which are interchangeable and indistinguishable. For example, pennies are all worth $0.01 and ownership of one penny is not preferable over any other penny. Fungibility is a desirable property for Bitcoin in order to maximize Bitcoin’s utility for individuals. If certain bitcoin are considered tainted, perhaps because of past ownership by criminals, those bitcoin could be deemed less valuable by regulated merchants or exchanges. Merchants could be required to check each bitcoin received to ensure they were not tainted. These restrictions would place immense burdens on consumers, merchants, and exchanges, discouraging adoption of Bitcoin. Privacy mechanisms such as CoinJoins attempt to ensure that bitcoin remains fungible in the future by providing a secure way of obscuring the past ownership of certain bitcoin, rendering the concept of taint unusable.
    Executive Order 6102
    2,100 sats
    The Emergency Banking Relief Act of 1933 and Executive Order 6102 authorized U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt to force American citizens to relinquish their gold under penalty of the law.

    Executive Order 6102 was implemented so the U.S. government could devalue the dollar more aggressively to stimulate the economy during the Great Depression. So long as citizens had the opportunity to preserve their wealth in gold, such economic stimulus would result in obvious, high inflation.

    The executive order compensated owners $20.67 for each troy ounce of gold.

    Warning: In fact, soon after Executive Order. 6102, President Roosevelt raised the price of gold from $20.67 to $35 per ounce, devaluing the dollar by 58% in one day.ies.
    In fact, soon after Executive Order. 6102, President Roosevelt raised the price of gold from $20.67 to $35 per ounce, devaluing the dollar by 58% in one day.
    Executive Order 6102 was not a unique event in history. Mass gold confiscations have occurred around the world for thousands of years. Gold was confiscated en masse in Communist China, the United Kingdom, and the Soviet Union.

    Gold is susceptible to mass confiscations because it is physically difficult to hide, secure, or transport. These inconveniences incentivize gold owners to store their gold with centralized custodians, usually banks. These banks are susceptible to government coercion. Whereas it would be extraordinarily costly to confiscate gold from millions of private homes, looting the far more limited number of banks is relatively efficient.

    2,100 sats
    A timelock allows a Bitcoin transaction to be created such that the recipient of the outputs cannot spend them for a specified time. The amount of time can be specified by either block height or Unix timestamp. The timelock is specified in a dedicated part of each transaction. However, most transactions simply leave the timelock blank to avoid using this functionality. Timelocks are useful for creating Hashed Timelock Contracts (HTLCs), which drive the Lightning Network.
    2,100 sats
    Dust Attack
    2,100 sats
    Occasionally, attackers will send tiny fractions of bitcoin, around 500 sats, to random wallets. If the owner of the wallet does not notice, they may inadvertently include this piece of dust in their next transaction, leaking information about which bitcoin they own to the attacker. A dust attack is like placing a tracking device on a victim, allowing the attacker to view where the victim travels, or in this case, which bitcoin the victim owns. High quality wallets do their best to disallow users from including dust in their transactions in order to protect them from such attacks. If you notice tiny amounts of unsolicited bitcoin being sent to your wallet, you should not spend them as part of a transaction with other pieces of bitcoin. A dust attack only works if the victim spends the dust along with other UTXOs they own.
    2,100 sats
    Taproot is currently a proposed upgrade to Bitcoin which would introduce several new features. The Taproot upgrade is described in BIPs 340, 341, and 342, and introduces the Schnorr signature scheme, Taproot, and Tapscript. Together, these upgrades introduce new, more efficient, flexible, and private ways of transferring bitcoin.The Schnorr signature scheme is more efficient, secure, and quicker to verify than Bitcoin’s original digital signature scheme, ECDSA. Additionally, Schnorr signatures enable MuSig, a more efficient form of multisignature which would greatly increase the privacy and fee rate paid by multisig transactions.Taproot will enable sending to and spending from Schnorr public keys as well as enabling bitcoin to be sent to multiple scripts at once. In order to achieve this, a new type of ScriptPubKey called Pay-to-Taproot (P2TR) will be defined. The addresses for these scripts will use SegWit v1 and Bech32 encoding.
    Change Output
    2,100 sats
    Bitcoin does not use accounts and balances. Instead, pieces of bitcoin, called UTXOs, are owned by individuals. These can be likened to physical bills in that when they are spent, they will usually require change to be given as their amount will almost never match the amount being paid. When a user creates a transaction, they select an input, a UTXO which they own, and create outputs. One output will go to the receiver’s address and the other output will be returned to the sender’s wallet, usually via a different address. The amount for this second output will be the change, which will amount to the sum of the inputs minus the amount spent in the first output and the transaction fee.
    Chain Analysis
    2,100 sats
    Chain analysis uses heuristics to analyse the blockchain and trace the ownership of bitcoin across transactions. Several companies exist solely to track and deanonymize individuals and their bitcoin using these heuristics. These companies sell their analysis to financial institutions and governments who are attempting to prevent fraud, money laundering, and other illegal activities. Chain analysis is a broad term, and should not be confused with the company called Chainalysis.
    2,100 sats
    Derivation Path
    2,100 sats
    A derivation path is a piece of data which tells a Hierarchical Deterministic (HD) wallet how to derive a specific key within a tree of keys. Derivation paths are used as a Bitcoin standard and were introduced with HD wallets as a part of BIP 32.

    Each key in the tree of a HD wallet can be described by its derivation path, which contains information about a key’s depth and index—where it resides within the tree structure. The master key is simply refered to as ’m'.

    For example, the first child of the master key has a derivation path of “m/0”, and the fifth child of that child key has a derivation path of “m/0/4”. The depth of each child is given by the number of levels—each separated by a slash—between itself and the master key, and the index of each child is its number at that level, starting with zero. The key at “m/0/4” has a depth of 2 and an index of 4.

    Bitcoin Improvement Proposal 32 allows for 2^32 children keys to be derived by each parent key. Children numbered 0-2^31 - 1 are considered unhardened, meaning a parent public key can derive child public keys. However, for children numbered 2^31-2^32 - 1, parent public keys are incapable of deriving children. Only the parent private key is capable of deriving a child private key, which can then be used to derive the child public key. This specification allows for flexbility within the HD wallet standard. When a key is hardened, it is denoted with a prime symbol ‘.

    For example, the first hardened child of the master key has a derivation path of “m/0’”, and that key’s fifth unhardened child has a derivation path of “m/0'/4”.

    2,100 sats
    Transaction ID (txid)
    2,100 sats

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